The hidden mental health cost of bad meetings

The hidden mental health cost of bad meetings

Meetings are a necessary part of the modern workplace. They allow teams to come together, share ideas, and make important decisions. However, when meetings are badly managed, they can have a negative impact on the mental health of those who attend them.

For many people, meetings are a source of stress and anxiety. This is because meetings often lack structure and no meeting agenda, which can lead to confusion and frustration. In addition, meetings are often dominated by a few individuals, leaving the rest of the attendees feeling unheard and unimportant.

Such meetings, if conducted regularly, can result in the poor mental health of the attendees, which gradually lowers the overall productivity of the employee. Having said that, let’s talk about this in detail.

The bad impact of useless meetings

The negative effects of bad meetings on mental health can be significant. Studies have shown that excessive stress can lead to a range of mental health issues, including depression, anxiety, and burnout. In addition, being in a state of constant stress can impair cognitive function, making it difficult for individuals to think clearly and make good decisions.

Bad meetings can also lead to a sense of disconnection and isolation. When meetings are unproductive and disorganized, it can be easy for attendees to feel like their contributions are not valued. This can lead to a sense of disengagement and lack of motivation, which can have a negative impact on an individual’s overall mental health.

1. Decreased Productivity

As mentioned above, a meeting with no motive can result in exhaustion as most meetings lasts for atleast 1.5 hours, which can be really frustrating if the company is going through a bad phase.

2. Leaves no time for innovation & execution

A useless meeting consumes a lot of time of the employees, and leaves none for innovation and execution of ideas. The way economy, and demand is growing in the market, companies of all different sector has a sword hanging above their head to innovate new ideas in their work process.

But if most of the working hours are consumed by pointless meetings, it can result in huge loss. Let’s take an assumption, if a 2 hour meeting takes place every week, it will be 104 hours in a week, which is roughly 5 days. Isn’t that a waste of time?

Although no one is against important meetings, because meetings are important to discuss the progress, further plans of the company, and for that, companies should use a meeting tool to keep a note of the important points that are needed to be discussed in a meeting and their duration.

3. Hinders brand impact

It is possible to learn a lot about your company’s values and identity from how you conduct meetings. The public and future customers/employees will take notice of your company more favorably if you have a good meeting culture.

Staying at a meeting when you don’t have purpose there is disapproved upon at Tesla. PowerPoint is not used at Amazon meetings. Employees may focus on their tasks at hand rather than spending time making a PowerPoint presentation.

Companies and their workers gain a sense of individuality from this, which in turn influences the company’s brand.These kinds of details matter greatly to the perception of a company’s brand among existing and potential workers, investors, and shareholders.

4. Huge impact on decision making

Think of how productive your meetings would be if they all led to an agreed-upon outcome. Imagine how you and your staff would react to that. If the final result was only a next step, would it be enough to propel your firm ahead, or would it remain static?

When a meeting closes without a decision being made, what should people do? Once another meeting is called and finishes with no resolution, the cycle continues. Poor meetings result in additional meetings, whereas productive ones reduce the need for follow-ups.

So should meetings be completely stopped?

No, just because a bad meeting can have a bad impact, all meetings should be stopped. The best solution for this is having a meeting agenda prior to any meetings. Therefore, it is recommended for the meeting host to prepare a quick agenda and move forward with the same, which will not only save time but also help in concluding the meeting with a firm decision that will further help in proper execution of the agenda.

We hope this information helped you, in case, meetings in your organization are impacting your mental health, let your seniors know about it, and find a solution for it.

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