Top 7 SEO Mistakes that Hurt Small Businesses

seo for small businesses

You should always make sure that you are aware of the mistakes that some smaller business do so that you can avoid them. This means that you need to make sure that you are using local SEO for your marketing needs and to bring in more customers locally. Also, if you ignore social media or post duplicated content on your site, then it can hurt you, so make sure that you keep reading to find out more of the mistakes that you should be avoiding.

SEO Mistakes to Avoid by Small Business

A small business can’t handle many mistakes, which is why you need to know the most common mistakes. Knowing the most commonly made mistake is a good way to avoid making them when it comes to your own business. Some of these include:

1. Not using local SEO –

These days local seo is something that everyone needs to do. If you are a small business, then most of your clients would be people who live or work nearby you, so make sure that you are doing this. You can do this by adding some area related keywords to your site and even by claiming your business on Google Business.

2. Ignoring social media –

You might think that your business doesn’t need social media and that you can ignore the presence. However, this is a huge mistake that you are going to be making since you can easily share information. You would also be able to easily interact with potential clients and answer questions or solve problems.

3. Duplicate posts –

You should also make sure that the content that you are posting on your website isn’t duplicate. Instead change up the words that are being used and some of the phrases as well as the keywords that you are using. You don’t need to re-write the entire post, but make sure that it is different enough that Google can tell.

4. Not posting new content –

Another mistake that most small businesses make is to not post new content. Ensure that you are posting new content and that you are doing it in a consistent manner, including the same time of day and much more. Make sure that you are consistent so that your readers would know when to come to the site to read something new and so that they can learn something every day.

5. Thinking SEO is easy –

Everyone might think that SEO is easy, but it isn’t. You want to make sure that you have a big enough budget that you can cover everything that you would need, so ensure that you are thinking about this. You also don’t want to attempt this yourself unless you have experience, so definitely consider hiring the experts.

6. Ignoring meta descriptions and title tags –

These might not matter when it comes to the ranking in terms of SEO, but these shouldn’t be ignored. These will bring more traffic to your site since they can be searched for and they can be more specific in terms of keywords that other types of content. These need to be created for every article that you are going to be posting on your page along with the pages themselves.

7. Not planning properly –

Another one of the mistakes that people often make is that they aren’t fully planning the work that needs to be done. This isn’t something that you can rush, so make sure that you have a plan of action and that you are sticking to it. Double check everything and ensure that you aren’t missing a single thing that can effect your business. The exerts can help you with the planning process if necessary, so go ahead and let them help you to make sure everything is covered.

Think about what you can do for your business and make sure that you aren’t making the mistakes that everyone else does. Knowing what most people ignore or where they fall short is a good way to ensure that your business isn’t going to do the same, which can have an impact on how it functions and grows. Why should you make mistakes when it is easy to know what you should be avoiding and how you can avoid causing more problems?

It is extremely important that you are aware of the myriad of mistakes that can be made when it comes to small business SEO. The more you are aware of the mistakes that are commonly made, then you can try to avoid those when it comes to your business. Ensure that you are focusing on local seo and that you are using social media to the fullest along with posting new content regularly. You would also want to make sure that you are planning everything so that you can take smaller steps towards your goals.

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